My latest book shopping is one of the best book shopping I had so far. This is because I finally bought 2 of my
three must-have books before this year ends. They are
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman and
Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion by Mark Cotta Vaz. The only book left is
The Tales of the Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling which will be available next month. But before buying those books, there were some obstacles on the way. Read on to find out.
I wasn't really planning on buying these books this month. But when I received a text message from Fully Booked, The Block last Saturday (Nov. 8) that my reserved copy of the
Twilight Movie Companion is already available, I got really excited. According to them, reservation is good for only 3 days so I really need to buy that book ASAP. Stocks run out easily so if I lose my reservation, there's a small chance for me of having that book. Since I was very busy last weekend (
Sat. - IPTC in school; Sun. - Erin's 1st birthday party in the afternoon, Jo's send-off party in the evening), I didn't have time to drop by in Fully Booked so I had to schedule my trip yesterday after work. So I went. But I went home empty-handed. Here's why.
I arrived in Fully Booked at around 4:30 PM. I saw the table of
Twilight books with around less than 20 copies of the
Twilight Movie Companion. Instead of getting my reserved copy, I decided to just get one from the table so that I could choose my own copy. I'm a bit OC when it comes to new books so I prefer copies in excellent condition (i.e., no dog ears, no wrinkled spines, no stains, etc.). I didn't pay for it immediately but went straight to children's and young adult section.
When I arrived there, I saw a lone copy of
The Graveyard Book on the bestseller's shelf. I checked out the other shelves if there are other copies available and found only one. Of course, I chose the book with the better condition. I wandered around again and checked out other books in that area. A few minutes later, the other copy of
The Graveyard Book is no longer there. I believe that those two copies I saw were the only ones they have in the store. So I was really lucky to have one of those two copies. I didn't let go of that book anymore.
As I was checking out the children's books, I saw one book that I'm sure my students would love. It's an adventure of Thomas and Friends. Thomas (the blue train) is the favorite character of some of my students. The story would definitely go with the unit study in school now because the topic is all about transportations. I got the book and went to the cashier to pay for the books.
When I was at the cashier, I felt really excited. I decided to pay using my credit card. I gave the books, my credit card, and Fully Booked discount card to the person in charge. She entered my purchases in the cash register and computed for the discounts. She deducted 5% from the
Twilight Movie Companion but deducted 10% from the other books. She must have thought that I'll pay using cash. But my credit card is with her already so maybe there were changes with the rules in giving discounts. She told me the total price and asked for my payment. I was right. She really though I'd pay using cash. I told her that my card is with her. Then she said that they don't accept BPI Express Credit in their store. Dang! Big trouble. I don't have extra cash with me so there's no way I could pay for those books. I asked the lady if it's okay if I'll buy the books the next day since I didn't bring extra cash with me. She said it's okay and asked for my name so that the books would be reserved for me. I gave it to her then left.
I was sort-of disappointed that I wasn't able to buy the books. But my excitement of my return the next day was the superior feeling so even if I went home empty handed, I was still happy.
After work this afternoon, I went back to Fully Booked, The Block even though it was raining hard. As soon as I arrived, I immediately went to the cashier and paid for my books. I left without browsing in the store since I was just there the day before. I just stopped by at Watson's to buy some personal stuff then I went home.
Now, even though I'm officially broke, I feel very, very happy. Wishes really do come true. :)

Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion by Mark Cotta Vaz (P664.05)
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (P449.10)Thomas & Friends: May the Best Engine Win! (P108.00)