I was not able to come on the first scheduled dates because I was busy assisting my niece on her ballet recital. So I really hope I could come next week. I have been busy with work ever since I came back from my short vacation. A book shopping would really do me good. =)
* When Amelia Bedelia helps out at her local library, she does everything by the book - and that gets her into a whole lot of trouble.
I bought this book yesterday on a whim. It's really hard to control my shopping impulses when I'm in a bookstore. But what the heck. I love books.
I was at Fully Booked, TriNoma yesterday afternoon. I have no plans of buying any book since I plan to read my unread books this summer. While browsing through the shelves of school supplies and gift items, I saw plastic jelly cases for iPods. Since I've been looking for a new case for my 1st gen iPod Nano, I decided to buy it. It's only P75.00.
Suddenly, this crazy thought entered my mind: I am not used to buying anything in Fully Booked for less than a hundred pesos so I have to buy a book, too. Crazy, right? So I went to the children's book shelf and saw the books about Amelia Bedelia. I browse through them and saw the book with the word bookworm on the title. I immediately got it then went straight to the cashier. It only costs P144.00. But since I have a Fully Booked discount card, I paid P129.60 for it. Then I went home before I do another crazy thing.
On the way home, I thought of the title: Amelia Bedelia, Bookworm. It sounds like the title of a doctor (ex. Jane Doe, M.D.). Wouldn't it be nice to have a title like bookworm? Well, for bookworms (like me!) anyway. So if bookworms have certifications, then I would be Shane Laberinto, Bookworm. Cool. :P
The story is, as usual, funny. Amelia Bedelia does exactly what she heard. She usually misunderstands what she hears. When Mrs. Page, the librarian, told one of the children, "Here is your book, Mark", Amelia thought that Mrs. Page is giving away bookmarks! She shouted for joy and announced that there are free bookmarks. The children asked Mrs. Page about it and she told them what she said to Mark. The children misunderstood and thought that only the children named Mark will be given free bookmarks. So they protested to Mrs. Page. In order to appease the children asking for bookmarks, Amelia made bookmarks for them. That led to more troubles.
Amelia Bedelia is certainly a funny character. Personally, I wonder how I would react if I meet someone like her. Hahaha. Never mind.
Rating: 4/5
PS: This is a book shopping and book review entry rolled into one. :)
Last February, there was a popular survey in Facebook. It was the "25 Random Things About Me" survey. I got tagged lots of times. I never posted or replied to it because I couldn't come up with 25 random things about myself. I know that I could just mention anything about myself. But they're mostly lame and boring things about me that nobody would care about knowing.
During one of my trips to the bookstore, I enumerated things about me as a bookworm/bibliophile in my head. I came up with almost 20 facts. As soon as I got home, I wrote them down. I was able to come up with more than 25 facts. I narrowed the list to follow the format of the survey in Facebook. It was difficult but here they are.
1. A trip to the mall will not be complete without passing by in at least one bookstore.
2. I have different kinds of bookmarks.
3. I have a book database. I record the book's title, author, price, and date of purchase.
4. I give books as gifts.
5. I have a pile of unread books.
6. I have discount and loyalty cards from major bookstores like Powerbooks, Fully Booked, and National Bookstore (Laking National card).
7. I have accounts in Shelfari and Library Thing. But I'm more active in Shelfari.
8. I always have a book in my bag so that I could read wherever I go and save myself from boredom.
9. I am very OC when it comes to new books so I cover them with plastic.
10. I lend my books to my family and relatives only. I had experiences before of friends not returning my books. Ever.
11. I read different genres of books (children, young adult, classics, chick lit, fantasy, suspense, mystery, humor, general fiction, graphic novels, poetry, biography, non-fiction, etc.).
12. I attend book discussions.
13. I never buy movie-tie in editions. It's so tacky.
14. I always prefer the book over the movie version except in very rare cases (The Notebook, Slumdog Millionaire).
15. I own 98% of the books at home.
16. I still have the books I read when I was still in elementary and high school.
17. My favorite activity in class is storytelling time. It is the time when all the students (even the 2 and 3 year olds) give their full attention to listen to the story of the day.
18. I set aside money for books every pay day. I may not have the latest gadget or fashion item, but at least I have a new book.
19. I have a book blog.
20. I don't notice the time when I read and when I'm in a bookstore.
21. I alternately read at least 2 books.
22. I wouldn't date a guy who doesn't read books. School books and textbooks do not count. Ha!
23. I prefer books over e-books.
24. I am updated with bookstores' sales/discounts.
25. I spent my 24th birthday in a bookstore. I did not have a party there. I just spent most of my time there, browsing at books, together with my cousin.