These are the words in Charlotte's web, high in the barn. Her spiderweb tells of her feelings for a little pig named Wilbur, as well as the feelings of a little girl named Fern... who loves Wilbur, too. Their love has been shared by millions of readers.
This book was included in my list of books-to-buy. I usually browse this book whenever I'm in a bookstore but never bought it because it's either I already have another book to buy or I don't have enough money with me that time. It may be weird, but I sometimes rely on "signs" to help me decide on whether I should buy a particular book or not. With this book, there were two signs.
The first sign was the big hardcover copy sent by my boss's sister for the school last week. I should be getting home already, but I still went to my boss's house to check out the books sent from the US. There were lots of board games and books. I immediately checked out the books and squealed with delight when I brought out Charlotte's Web. I scanned the book and wished the book was mine. The book is for the grade school library. The next day, I read some pages whenever I have the time.
Two days later, I went to SM Fairview to pay for my cell phone bill. It has been a while since I last went there so I decided to pass by Booksale. I didn't have plans on buying anything. I just want to browse at the books. Then I saw Charlotte's Web. Upon seeing the book, I knew that it was time for me to have my own copy. It only costs P55.00. So I bought it.
I finished reading this book last night before I slept. Tears were pouring down my face when I closed the book. Even if I already turned off the lights and was lying in bed, my tears continued to pour. I cried myself to sleep just thinking about Charlotte and Wilbur's wonderful friendship.
There's really nothing much I could tell about this book. The story is simple and very touching. It is indeed a very beautiful story about friendship. I love both Charlotte and Wilbur. Charlotte is loyal and selfless. Wilbur is cute and very endearing. He is definitely SOME PIG.
And I would definitely read this book to my 1st Grade students in the coming school year.
Rating: 5/5